Saturday, November 28, 2015

Received Financial Assistance from RRRLF for Organising Conference

I am glad to mention that We have Received Financial Assistance from Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation,Kokatta for Organizing Conference. It is great support for us. Here I acknowledge and Thank RRRLF for their Financial Support. The Conference has proposed to be organized at our Campuson January 22 & 23, 2016.
New Blog has been created for the Conference..


Unknown said...

The Emerging Future: Technology Issues and Trends is a topic of vital interest. I offered a MOOC and webinar on the topic, and I offer it as a graduate course at the San Jose State University iSchool. You can access the webinar recordings at this link:

The upcoming National Conference on Evolving Role of Libraries and Librarianship will be an excellent forum to exchange ideas.

Librarian said...

Thanks for sharing your knowledge..
:) and Thanks for your wishes..